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Beat diabetes in 30 days

When you hear the word INSULIN, you may think of a drug taken by people with diabetes. While this is true, what you may not know is that insulin is one of the many hormones created in the human body. Insulin is important to the body. It allows blood sugar to get into the cells to provide them energy. When you eat, your body breaks down food into glucose in your small intestine. This is your body’s source of energy for everything it does, from working and thinking to exercise to healing. Glucose travel through your bloodstream - looking for individual cells that needed energy, for glucose to travel into the cells it requires insulin.

INSULIN – is the key that unlock cells for glucose to enter and deliver energy. When insulin arrives, it signals the cells to activate glucose transporters. These transporters pull glucose through cell walls. When glucose moves into the cells, it delivers energy.

Dr. Joe Prendergast (35 years as an Endocrinologist in Palo Alto with 7000 patients of which none have had serious hospitalizations, no amputations, or the myriad of health problems associated with diabetes) says, "Many people still think diabetes is a disease about sugar."

No one actually die from having too much sugar in the body. Many people have that misconception but the complication it causes. Most the time practitioners in conventional medicine focus on the glucose itself but in study of science, glucose floating in our blood stream causes serious cases like hypertension and chronic heart diseases because it creates plaque inside our veins.

Considering Dr. Prendergast L-Arginine therapy for more than 35 years, Diabetes and the Nitric Oxide factor- If you are one of the 17 million or more with diabetes, you already know how challenging this disease can be. Unless diabetes is carefully controlled, its complications can be devastating and dangerous. You may even face circulatory problems in the lower limbs which can lead to amputation. The likelihood of developing heart disease and high blood pressure is increased. You are vulnerable to eye problems, called retinopathy, which can lead to blindness. You are prone to nerve damage or neuropathy. Your hands, legs, and feet may bruise easily and heal slowly. You are susceptible to kidney disease.

What you may not know is – your drugs like metformin and any glucose maintenance also gives toxic chemicals to your kidney that later developed as chronic kidney disease because admit it or not there is 3 D’s in Diabetes.

  1. Diabetes

  2. Dialysis

  3. Death

This is why Nitric Oxide (produced from L-arginine) is important in destroying diabetes. We do know that NO can intervene to help potential complications. Most diabetic complications - from erectile dysfunction to high blood pressure to eye problems - are vascular in nature and are associated with high levels of oxidative stress that impair the endothelial cells. If you were to run tests on people with advanced diabetes, you would find that their endothelium is incapable of producing adequate amounts of Nitric Oxide. When that happens, diabetic complications almost always follow.

By dieting, exercising and taking sufficient doses of L-arginine, you can reduce damage to the endothelial cells, boost your NO production, and halt the development and progression of diabetic complications.

We know that it can reduce the risk of diabetic retinopathy.

We know that it plays a role in normal erectile function.

We know Nitric Oxide can reduce blood pressure levels.

PROARGI9+ has the highest quality L-arginine supplement in the world according to Physicians Desk Reference. For orders click here:

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