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Gerald Cruz

He was born with septal defect. his heart was too weak to function well so his heart developed coronary artery disease or the cholesterol deposits. He was scheduled for an operation but his mother was really worried and praying for a miracle or something that he wouldn't go for an operation because he is the eldest son and he was too young. The prayers was answered when they found the PROARGI9+ after a couple of months he's getting better and he can enjoy his young life like going to school.

Jesus Zorilla

Mr Zorilla is the ex-chairman of Dawe, Minalin. He had diaabetes for a long time. He even collapsed when his blood sugar reached 200. His body weakened by the drugs he is taking and his feet and legs swell. after 2 weeks of taking PROARGI9+ he's feet and legs are starting to subside. He is now getting better and destroyed diabetes through PROARGI9+

Nestor Conception

He was operated for his Prostate cancer. His PSA reached 18. Then, He searched for a cure because he felt conventional medicine doesn't satisfy him. He doesn't take the medicine his doctor is taking but he maintain healthy living plus synergy products.

Dennis Avila Jr.

He has hereditary skin asthma. Among all siblings he has the most weak immune system. he often hospitalize but when he took energy products he is now asthma free and can play outside.

Ma. Louisa Paris

She has diabetes for 15 years. She's taking drugs for her high blood pressure and insulin 3 times a day. She had hospitalized even she's taking medicine. 3 months of taking PROARGI9+ she's now INSULIN FREE and she's not taking medicine for her high blood pressure.

Rowena Manlapaz

She is a mother of two and she does all the household. She had heart enlargement and later her gouty arthritis developed. She can't do the things she usually do when these diseases occur. Synthetic medicine cannot even cure her swelling gout but when she took PROARGI9+ in 2 months and 15 days, she is now free from gouty aarthritis and heart enlargement.

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