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120 days cure to heart diseases!

Do you know that our body pumps blood

100,00 times a day and 35 million a year?

"The tissues of the body need a constant supply of nutrition in order to be active," said Dr. Lawrence Phillips, a cardiologist at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York. "If [the heart] is not able to supply blood to the organs and tissues, they'll die."

We work minimum of 8 hours a week and rest but the heart doesn't rest when we rest. This might be the reason why heart is the most important organ of the body. It delivers blood through the vessels include the veins of the circulatory system. It carries oxygen-rich blood and nutrients that it essential for the cells to function and re-growth. It also helps the kidney and liver in the removal of metabolic waste or detoxification process. as we learn it's function, we also realize why it is located in the middle compartment of the chest.

It function is divided into two; Oxygen poor blood and oxygen rich blood. which is deliver through the capillaries which is the smallest in the circulatory system and to the cells.


This is because some people focus on heart itself when having cardiovascular disease yet most vital statistics for checking heart health are pulse and blood pressure which obviously is part and function of our circulatory system. Not taught in schools, the arteries had special and critical function, it is the "Nitric Oxide".

The Nitric Oxide is what other medical doctors called "Magic Drug". The body produces nitric oxide through exercise because as you run or lift weights your heart muscles pumps blood streaming through the vessels and veins carrying oxygen. In that process the lining arteries of the body releases nitric oxide into the blood. The natural nitric oxide of our body relaxes and widens the vessel wall in allowing more blood to pass through. Just like other organ in our body, when the body aged the nitric oxide also aged and becomes less efficient due to poor exercise, less nutritional diet and free radicals or radiation causing the veins and arteries to deteriorate.

Little us knowing, when our vessels and veins delivers oxygen and nutrients; It also deliver toxic waste, cholesterol, calcium that sometimes deposits in our blood vessels that our heart because of that our heart exert more effort to perform its function. Most patients often focus on cholesterol and triglyceride levels when monitoring their health, Nitric Oxide has also important role in our blood vessels because it helps the vessels preserve youthful and elasticity of vessels.

Nitric Oxide contributes to most of our major organs that when inefficient can be very alarming. It controls the blood flow of the nitric oxide, not only to dilate and relax the vessels but also to efficiently nourish the heart and tissues of the entire body, Nitric Oxide can also support healthy blood pressure levels. It also helps fight toxins in providing strong defense of our immune system. The brain needs nitric oxide in stroing andretriev long term memories and to transmit to the nervous system. It also acts as anti oxidants to the free radicals that the body accumulate through bad habits and radiations in our environment which highly damage the cells.

How important supplements to our body?

The old sayings "prevention is better than the best cure" proved by an nobel prize recipient and one of the best medical doctor, Dr. Louis Ignarro. When he wrote the book "No more heart diseases" he mention the importance of giving enough nutrition to the body. Exercise and certain foods promote Nitric-Oxide production in your body. A new supplement is designed for nighttime consumption when your body is producing the least amount of Nitric Oxide from food and exercise. However, this formula can also be used during the day. Nighttime or daytime, it would be difficult to ingest the same amount of L-Arginine from foods as what your body gets from supplementation.

A naturally occurring amino acid found in food, L-Arginine is a protein that the body uses to make Nitric Oxide. It’s difficult to consume enough L-Arginine through food to get the same Nitric Oxide boost available in a supplement.

Introducing the best L-Arginine supplement

The only supplement that is written in Physician's Desk Reference 2014,2015, & 2016. As the best L-Arginine supplement in the world. It is formulated with 5,000 L-arginine content per sachet without bad side effect in our body.



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